Breaking up while still in NRE
It happens in any type of relationship, whether it’s monogamous or non monogamous. And the type of relationship you’re in doesn’t make it any easier on you. Breaking up with
General purpose pervert
It happens in any type of relationship, whether it’s monogamous or non monogamous. And the type of relationship you’re in doesn’t make it any easier on you. Breaking up with
Deeply inspired, as usual, by the wonderful Erika Lust who has some of the most amazing projects, I decided to share my fucking playlist with you. And I hope you
Continue reading…Let me delight you with my fucking playlist!
I thought long and hard about writing this particular piece, but I believe it’s an important conversation to have and my lived experiences might help some who find themselves in
O despărțire e ceva adesea trist și măcar pentru că e finalul unui capitol din viața ta, oricât de lung sau scurt a fost. Dar există metode de a
*photo credits The Boudoir Project Am decis să deschid o ușă virtuală către unul dintre workshop-urile mele care a avut cel mai mare succes – cel pentru “Nenorociți diabolici” (Evil
I believe that in this post you will find the answer to life, the universe and everything 😀 I don’t like cakes that are very sweet. I prefer the combination
Continue reading…42 things you didn’t know about me for @AChildOfTheWild
Am văzut că tot apare o dilemă în spațiul public legată de toate adolescentele astea care se comportă de parcă “și-o cer”. Și multă lume, în speță bărbați, se întreabă
The Internet is filling up with jokes about women and their desperate need for nail salons and hairdressers. Some of them had me laughing in tears. We had videos of
I’ve read it many times, but I think it doesn’t hurt to put this message out here again. So here’s goes my story of love during the pandemic. I am
Pentru voi, astăzi, o postare despre situația coronavirusului în România. Nu voi intra în opinii personale legate de pericolul căruia suntem expuși, pentru că nu am competența necesară pentru a
Continue reading…Nu infecta oamenii cu covid-19, fă-te poli!